Multiparty computation and the hallucinated server


In the Programmable Cryptography blog post we described the idea of a hallucinated server: that is, a simulated virtual server which no one person can access. To recap, right now, if a group of friends wanted to set up a forum, they might do something like rent a cloud server (e.g. AWS) to run their site. But then this trusts the hosting service to not look at the website’s data. In contrast, a hallucinated server would instead be distributed among the network participants themselves in such a way that no one user has access to data they shouldn’t see.

Mathematical toolbox

The math that makes this idea possible comes from the ideas of multi-party computation (MPC) and fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). The Three Easy Pieces novella covers a blueprint of some traditional constructions for this, but to give a brief advertisement for each:

Research priorities

At 0xPARC, we’re less interested in traditional MPC (garbled circuits, Shamir secret sharing, and so on) because the communication cost of these techniques is too high. Since these costs scale quadratically in the number of network participants, scaling to a large network would be impossible.

Instead, we’re exploring what we can do when we combine multiparty ideas with fully homomorphic encryption.

As a longer-term goal: How far can we bring down the computational overhead?